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Navigating the vast and often contradictory online landscape of crypto and blockchain information can be challenging for many.

At CryptoLearn SG, we are dedicated to offering a comprehensive and reliable educational platform for our clients to confidently embark on their cryptocurrency and blockchain journey.

Through our step-by-step guidance, educational resources, and expert insights, we aim to empower our clients with informed knowledge. Additionally, we cultivate a close-knit community where members can securely and seamlessly exchange trusted insights and knowledge.

Join our community today and unlock your full potential as a well-informed blockchain and crypto enthusiast.

Online Workshop

Crypto Workshop

The 2-hour C.I.S Online Workshop will allow you to walk away with three effective yet easy to apply strategies, to tackle market trends.

Click here to get access to the methods

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Blockchain Resources

Crypto Resources

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As advocates for education, we love that idea. We'll like to get you started with some resources. Just click on the link below to get access to related resources for FREE.

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See What Our Community Members Have To Say

What our satisfied graduates say:

The 2-day course is very informative for beginners like me. Key takeaway will definitely be the C.I.S strategy.


I will highly recommend people who are interested about blockchain crypto to join!



-Caris (Singapore)

Love the technical analysis part and the C.I.S method is a great strategy.



-Etheng (Malaysia)

The course gives me great insight as a beginner to cryptocurrency. The strategies for the class provide me the confidence now.

Highly recommend for everyone interested in crypto trading.



-Daniel (Singapore)

Fantastic course with amazing trainers who gave in-depth knowledge in a very structured way about Crypto and how to make profit in a sustainable way. I can really recommend this course. I really felt the genuineness from the trainers that they really want you to be successful. Thanks!




-Marie Assarsson (Sweden)

The class was very informative and well explained.

I have received the big picture of the Crypto and also learnt the different strategies in Cryptocurrency.







-Christine Dominado (Philippines)

Definitely recommend them. They were very detailed in their explanations and shared everything without holding back anything. They took the effort to answer all our questions. Beginners should be able to start their Crypto journey after attending the class. Thank you Leslie & Zach.




-Thevane Kumarn (Singapore)

Dr. Mani Pavitra (Finance Coach)


Attended a masterclass with Leslie. For the first time I came to realise that there is a strategy to invest in crypto and there are also technical indicators that he has guided us with. To put it simply, the session was a total mind-shift as though the biggest block has moved forever. Thank you.

Shannon Zann (Actress / Host)


I'm totally new to crypto, and they made it very easy to understand! Especially one of the strategies to trade crypto. It's simple to carry out, best for a newbie like me!

Looking forward to my journey in crypto!


Kelly Tan (Co-Founder - PropertyHunter)


Attended the 2-day masterclass and learnt so much from Leslie and Zach! I like the way they position themselves; not speculative but guide us to go for the safe and predictable way. Excellent class for crypto newbies like me!

Highly, Highly recommend!!!.

Read More Reviews From Our Satisfied Graduates

Wish To learn more about Blockchain & Crypto?

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